There were actually several really cute crafts in this book.
I thought these yoyo animals were just adorable! I really wish they had put color photos of the projects in the magazines, but I'm sure that was just too expensive for many magazines.
I carefully cut out all my pieces. Fortunately, these patterns were full size.
This was my fabric pallet. All of these prints were part of a giant box of fabric I bought a couple of weeks ago at an estate sale for only $5. Most of it I gave to my cousin, the quilter. But I kept a few pieces for myself. Pink and Blue, fun Easter colors.
And here is Yoko in all her yoyo loveliness!
I had so much fun with these color combinations.
Yoko will be joining my other Easter decorations in my Happy Shelf.
I'm giving YoKo at thumbs up!
And on a completely different note. I see some strange things sometimes on my way to work but as I glanced over at our Art Museum today, this is what I saw:
Do you see him? King Kong with an airplane in his hand! Gosh, you never know what movie stars you are going to meet on your way to work!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!