So I am wishing for spring to hurry so I can get growing! I have already received a seed catalog from Baker Creek Heirloom seeds http://rareseeds.com. Check them out, they have all organic and heirloom seeds and the selection is incredible. Best of all their prices are fantastic and they don't burn you on shipping.
I also start haunting Lowes and Wal*Mart around this time of year to see if they have their seeds in. Every year I tell myself "buy in moderation, you do not need every single kind of flower seed they sell". But, every year I buy way too many anyway. I can't help it. The packages are so pretty and colorful. It's a sickness. I hope they will never find a cure!
Since I absolutely loathe winter, the thing that gets me through is dreaming of the wonderful weed-free garden that I will be planting in the spring. The one where every seed or plant I sow growns wonderfully and I get bushels of vegetables. Don't laugh, I said it was a dream! By August my garden generally looks like a jungle.
This is "teardown" week at my house. By January 1st I like to have all the Christmas decorations and trees taken down and put away. I feel like I get a "fresh" start if everything is cleaned and put away at the end of the year.
Wishing you a Very Happy 2010!