Some of the fashions are hilarious! But I just loved some of the ads for crafts that you could send off for. I wish I could come across the patterns for them.
I decided to make what they called elves. I think they look more like gremlins. Now in 1967 they did not put full size patterns in the book. You were to take graph paper with 1 block equaling 1" and draw the pattern. Sorry! I am not that artistic. Thanks to modern technology I just stuck it on the copier and enlarged the pattern to the size I wanted. Not everything in the good old days was good!
Mine turned out a little different than the picture in the magazine. "Yngwie" has named them. The green one is "Les" and the purple one is "Paul" I like the green one best, he likes the purple one. Either way I think They turned out really cute.

I also made a skirt out of the same fabric that the green gremlin is make from and two more "wee bunnies". I decided that my neice and mother in law needed one too!
Speaking of my neice, she is coming down week after next so I can teach her to sew! She is 16 and want to learn to sew some purses and totes that she can sell to make money to help pay her car insurance and gas.
I hope everyone had a great week-end!
Love the gremlins! Old craft books can be a goldmine; we like to look through them at the used book store! :o)
Your fremlins are too cute!! I have some old craft books with the graph patterns...I could never get them right!
That should be gremlins! LOL
Love those old Needlework and Crafts books. Hey, I even liked the fashions in the 60's. I have the photo's to prove it, LOL!
Cute fairy-gremlins. Maybe those came out about the time all the girls wanted Troll dolls. Remember those?
Darla (getting older by the minute)
Love the gremlins. Good job. It's nice to see your handy work.
I love those gremlins! Finally I get to visit your blog! It must be great to live at the lake-- ever make it to Lex Vegas? We'd like to head up to SML one day this summer, are there any cute shops?
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