BRRRRRR! It is so cold today! 22 degrees when I got up this morning and is supposed to hit the balmy 40 degree mark today. It is really beginning to feel like Christmas!
Do you have a branch of Elves Anonymous in your town? I think I need to start one in mine. Every since I found this fellow this past summer I have been obsessed with elves.

Is he not the cutest thing you have ever seen! So every time I go into a thrift store, flea market or antique store I have my elf radar on.

I think these two woodland elves are adorable. Yngwie thinks they look evil. The little elf on the left is one I bought the first year we were married, so it's 28 years old!

I love the expressions on their faces, and those pointed ears are so cute!

Even though alot of the paint is chipped on this one, it is one of my very favorites. Three elves on a couch!

I also am beginning to obsess a little with those "spaghetti" Napco Santas. I found this one at a thrift shop for .50

Isn't that little guy in the middle adorable? I guess technically he isn't and elf, but he blends in pretty well and the other elves have accepted him as one of their own.

This is absolutely my favorite, How can you get any better than elves with a book!

Ok, I know these are mice and not elves, but I found the Cheerleader one at an antique mall one week and found the Santa at an antique mall the next week! It was meant to be. These mice are quite large, around 12 inches high.
I have all these things in my kitchen hutch with some other Christmas characters. I will share photos a little closer to Christmas.
Keep warm and have a great day!
This elves are definitely the cutest I have seen. You have a very nice collection and I'm beginning to feel a little Christmasy with your little tykes. Thx for sharing. Have a great day.
this is my first visit to your site and I had to comment on your elves. I found a little elf at a garage sale a couple of years ago and he has sat in my china cabinet front and center ever since. I always have my elf radar up too! I found a little guy yesterday at an antique mall and when i unwrapped him he was broken, i almost cried. He can be glued back together and I will still love him but i am still upset. They aren't that easy to find are they? I've been searching this time of year hoping to get lucky. I found some of the felt and wire ones at a small shop a few weeks ago for 1.00 for five of them then saw them at another shop for 9.00 each, yikes! I hope i find more before the rest of the world catches on to our obsession. Have a great holiday. Peggy
OMG!!! I have never seen these... they are so cute!
i have seen elves, but never like these and so cute!
Love them, and love this post.
Hi! I love all your elves! There is a set of red elves here in the antique mall that would be happy living with all of your friends!
Thanks so much for stopping by,
Great elves - my grandma collected elves and had many of the same ones!
Love your elves...I collect old timey China dogs that I find at yardsales and thrift shops. I will have to post a picture on my blog one day.
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