I can't believe that summer is almost over! To me it seems it just started. Yngwie will soon be going back to school for his last year of high school. A SENIOR! I can't believe it! It was just yesterday that I dropped him off for his first day of kindergarden. He had his Toy Story lunch box and a little lamb cut out tied around his neck with his room number on it. The teachers aid met him at the car and took him to his rooom. I drove a mile down the road, pulled over to the side and cried for a good 10 minutes! When I picked him up he was so excited! He had a best friend named Garrett! 13 years later he and Garrett are still best friends, and while they will be heading off in different directions for college next year, I bet they will always remain friends.
I am getting excited that fall will soon be arriving. I love the colors of the leaves, the mist and nip of a cool morning, and the smell of a woodfire. I found some really cool Halloween fabric when I was at the beach and decided to make a purse. I really like how it turned out. I kinda just made up the pattern as I went along.

I love the "BOO" fabric!
I am making some pumpkins from the new Create and Decorate, but have to make a trip to the store for more felt before I can finish them. If you love crafts and fall, the fall issue is great!
Hope everyone has a great day!