Friday, December 23, 2011

Away in a Manger....

Do you have a nativity or manger scene?  I love to see all the styles of Nativity scenes that there are available. 

Mine is very unique because it is a hob-cobble of various pieces.  It's also been described as very ugly.  But you know what?  I don't care because every single piece of it is so special to me.

 See.....The Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus, the chalk angel on the right and the one chalk king belonged to my Grandmother who bought them when she started working at age 16.  That would have been 1928.  It originally of course had two other kings and a sort of cardboard type manger however that fell apart when my parents started using it in the early 1960's.  At some point it looks like someone tried to repaint the holy family and didn't do much a great job!
 My mom added the shiny plastic angels and the shiny plastic wisemen on their camels.  When I was little this set under our aluminum tree and when the light wheel spun it's colors on the wisemen it looked just like they lit up and I would lie under the tree and watch it until sometimes I would fall asleep.  The sheep I won in Bible school when I was little by memorizing verses and the chicken my son added when he was about 3 or 4.
 The colors on the wisemen are starting to wear off now.
The actual stable my husband made for me when we first got married 31 years ago.

Just like me, my Nativity set is imperfect.  It's not beautiful, fancy or costly.  But I wouldn't trade it for a million dollars!  Every year when I set out all the figures I think about how my grandmother and mom would put it out each year and it brings me closer to both of those dear ladies who are celebrating Christmas with Jesus.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!



Shirley Hatfield said...

That was the most touching story...I still have a tear in my eye. I loved my grandmothers so much that I love anything that reminds me of them. I hope they know how much they helped me and the wonderful memories they created for me. Thank you for sharing the stories behind the pieces...your children and grandchildren will cherish those stories.

donna said...

Linda what a sweet story. I love your nativity set. It has such precious memories. I agree with you I would not trade it for the world. I am you newest follower I found you on Free Pretty Things For You. I love your blog and your WONDERFUL Santa collection. I would like to invite you to visit my blog at I look forward to meeting you. Merry Christmas.

donna said...

Whoops! I forgot I hope you do not mind I made a button out of your picture for my side bar. I want all my friends to be able to visit your WONDERFUL blog.