Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Take a stroll with me through the Veggie Garden!

The vegetable garden is coming along nicely. As much as I love flower gardening, I love vegetable gardening even more. I can't remember there ever being a time in my life that I wasn't working in a veggie garden. There are picture of me around the age of 2 or 3 with my child size garden tools helping my family in the garden.

The onions are really doing well. I grow mine on top of the ground. Many years ago a neighbor told me to get really big onions to pull all the dirt away from the bulb leaving only the root in the ground, and it works!! I am so thrilled that the peppers are doing well, last year they didn't do so well, when I plant my peppers I strike a match, blow it out and put in the ground with the pepper plant. Maybe an old wives tale, but it works for me.

Of course whats a garden without tomatoes and squash? My family loves squash. This was something I wouldn't eat growing up. I think because my family cooked it to mush. My mother in law gently stewed hers with lots of butter and chopped onions and I loved it! We also love fried sqash. Dip your squash slices in egg then into cornmeal and fry on each side. YUM! I can't hardly wait for the first tomato sandwich or tomato biscuit of the year! Sometimes I eat so many tomatoes in the summer that I start getting blisters inside my mouth. I know better than to eat 10 per day, but they are so good! I also have cucumbers, red peppers, jalapeno peppers, chocolate peppers, ( yep, I said chocolate), butternut squash, cantelope, watermelon, gourds, giant pumpkin and white pumpkin and a few rows of green beans! Come on over, I'll share!

Wishing everyone a blessed day!



Janice said...

Oh Linda, I'm starving now! (lol). What a beautiful garden! It is so interesting about growing your onions on top of the ground. I've never heard of it, but they are so healthy and nice looking! Wish I lived closer so you COULD share. :o)

Jenn4Him said...

I am so new at gardening. My little girl wanted to plant some things this year, so we have one cucumber, one squash, one watermelon and 2 tomatoes. The watermelon and the tomatoes are not doing so well. I planted them in a fancy soil with fertilizer, water them every day, am I missing something?

Lynne said...

Your garden looks so much better than mine. It's pretty cool here in NJ today, I hope it doesn't affect the plants. Do you use any special kind of fertilizer?

Amy said...

Lovely garden! I really should get into mine and plant some more.

Carole Burant said...

You're way ahead of us where the veggie garden is concerned...we just finally planted ours the other day! We grow potatoes, cucumbers, peas, yellow beans, tomatoes, onions, carrots, beets, green peppers, zucchini, garlic and dill. Yours looks so healthy and I noticed right away your onions were growing above interesting!! xox

Trudi said...

Your garden looks great. I love watching anything grow. It so amazing. Thanks for the good wished on the garage sale. This is my last one forever unless I do a mass move. Donation all the way for me from now one. I think I may have made 50 cents per hour when all is said and done. Not worth it. Two weeks of my break tied up with it. Oh well I'm more organized and that's a plus.

Kelli said...

Wow! My mouth is watering right now! Your veggie garden is looking so lush and healthy. I adore squash, what kind do you recomend using for the fried squash recipe. I've never heard of chocolate peppers, do you cook them or eat them raw??
I would love to stop by for a a tomato sandwich!


LBP said...

Thanks for all the kind compliments on my garden.

I fertilize with Miracle Grow about every 3 weeks. I also water vigilantly! I have never had the chocolate peppers before. I think they are just like the green peppers only they are brown. I just couldn't resist anything that said chocolate!

Trella said...

Your garden is beautiful!! How wonderful to have something so wonderful.

Jodi said...

It looks like it's going to be a bountiful harvest! Lovely and lush!

Lori said...

Love your vegetable garden. It is doing so well. Ours is doing good too.