Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday Show and Tell!

On Friday's, Kelli over at hosts Show and Tell! It's my favorite blog day of the week. Run on over and join the fun!
Today for show and tell I have my great Aunt Maggies Jadite kitchenware. My Aunt Maggie lived one farm over from my maternal grandparents. She lived in a tiny log house that only had electricity to the kitchen.
After she passed away, probably 20 years ago, they auctioned her personal belongs and I was able to buy some of her kitchenware.
This is my favorite, the batter bowl. I still use it and it drives my neighbor crazy because she says these bowls sell for alot of money on ebay.
I love this bowl too. I use it every time we have a family get together, and always with green beans in it.
Do any of you still use one of these? It is for bacon grease. My Mom always kept one on the stove and whenever she needed to flavor something, like green beans, cabbage, etc. She would use the grease in this kind of container. I thought nothing of it when I was young, but thinking about it now, it seems kinda yuck!
These little childrens cups did not come from Aunt Maggies home. I found them at a flea market and just had to have them. They are so cute!
Please ignore the chickens in the background, they are attention hogs! (actually the top of my freezer was the only place I could get the dishes to show up!)
Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!


Lady of the house said...

Oh my! The little cup on the right in the last picture is just like a child's tea set of mine! What a coincidence. Those little sets were actually manufactured here in WV in a factory not too far from here. They were mass produced between 1930-1950, I think. They are referred to around here as Alley Agate's (after the glass company).

I loved looking at your Grandmother's jade kitchen ware, and yes, I remember well the cup for drippings. My mother and grandmother still use them, and if my husband would only eat pork, I'd use one, too! LOL!

Susan said...

Oh what lovely dishware. I think it's great that you use them. I try and use my things and not just save them hidden away.

You asked about how my show & tell purse opened. The round top is sort of accordion shaped and stretch out and then back in and a little snap top keeps it closed. Thanks for asking :o)

Lori said...

Love your dishware. What a treasure to have.

Lana G! said...

The colors are great! I like the batter bowl too!

Lana G!

jennifer said...

I am a kitchen eclectic fiend! I love all of these and I would be like you and not worry about what is selling on e-bay, for whatever price!

What a delightful show and tell!!!

SAH in Suburbia said...

I adore dishes! I think it's great that you don't just let them sit in a cupboard. Love the colours - what a nice piece of history to have in your kitchen!! Happy Friday!

ellen b. said...

The Jadite is fantastic and I'm fascinated by your attention hogs also. Very lovely..and I think it's great that you use them and enjoy them!

Anonymous said...

I am looking at the roosters in the back ground. I have a small collection of these in my kitchen. Too cool!!! (What's their story...)

Marci said...

I love the dishes. I have lots of old dishes from my Mom, Grandma and Great AUnts. I use them all and enjoy them. It is better than just sitting up in a cupboard taking space. Very nice!!!

Carole Burant said...

I've always loved that kind of dishware and they are indeed expensive to get in antique shops and on ebay!! I'm glad you use all the pieces...I use all my antique dishes except for those that have gotten too brittle:-) I save my bacon grease to make suet for the birds but don't have it in such a pretty container! lol xox

Barbara H. said...

I've never seen a bowl with a handle like the first picture. How handy that would be! I have seen this kind of thing in magazines as collector's items. How neat that you got several nice pieces from someone in your family.

Barbara H. @ Stray Thoughts

Unknown said...

I remember my grandma in West Virginia serving us gravy for breakfast in her jadite bowl with the swirls, just like yours here. Your pretty green dishes brought back many fond memories of country breakfasts while visiting Grandma.

Myrna said...

Love your dishware. I remember a bowl from my childhood just like that one. I have no idea what happened to it. Wonder who has that--maybe I could talk them out of it! :-)

retha said...

Oh, yes it does sound unpleasant.
It is a privilege to have something from ones own family. Sad you had to buy it. Good that you enjoy it anytime.

Sharon said...

That is very pretty!!

My mom use to keep bacon grease to flavor green beans. I use chicken bouillon. ;-)

Linnee said...

Your jadite kitchenware is gorgeous! How wonderful that your aunt's items are still in the family.

Lindy :)

Come Away With Me said...

Very pretty dishes, and it's great that you use most of them still, that's what they were created for. I remember bacon drippings used for flavoring back in the day; my mom kept hers in an old coffee can however. I have a friend who saves it to make flour tortillas, the old-fashioned way. They are delish!

Kelli said...

I love your dishes and I think it's wonderful that you use them! That way more memories can be made! Thank you for sharing them with us!


Anonymous said...

I love these pieces of your grandmothers. Actually I have seen these at the Antique Mall and really thought about buying some myself.

Great treasures.
Take care,

Amy said...

oh I love your items, green is my favourite colour :D

Lynne said...

I love vintage kithchen items-you have a wonderful collection.

Susie said...

What lovely vintage dishware. My Mom used to store bacon grease for cooking too. Can't ignore your chickens, I have lots of those myself! :)

dot said...

I love your green bean bowl. I believe my mother has one just like it. I'm going to check her cupboard next time I'm there.

MightyMom said...

How wonderful!! I firmly believe that things are intended to be used, not hoarded. So keep on enjoying and remembering your Aunt each time you do!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful wares!!! i just love the color of all of them . Thanks for your swwet comment to my blog so nice to meet you!!! Blessings. Mica

Here is my other blog stop by anytime!!!

Unknown said...

Dear LBP, thank you for visiting my blog, The Trad Pad. That batter container looks very handy, indeed. I didn't know that this was called Jadite. My daughter, Herself, collects this sort of green glassware. She would love it.

Blessings and bliss

inspired said...

we carry around a precious gift in these earthen vessels ;o]

Anita said...

Hi Linda,

That's why I love Show & Tell, you alreays learn about other people's family treasures! And your dishware is wonderful, indeed!

Thank you so much for your regular visits to my blog and the nice comments you leave. ;-)

Best wishes from Germany,

Stephanie D said...

I never had any jadite myself, but I seem to remember coffee cups at restaurants being made of that. Love the bowls!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Your Jadite pieces are beautiful! Love the color! Thanks for sharing!

I like the rooster collection too, have you ever featured those on your blog?


someone else said...

I love your Jadite pieces. What a wonderful keepsake to have and even more so because you actually use them.

Cheryl said...

Love-love those green colors! *laughing at the chicken comment* I'm glad you got some of your Aunts kitchenware :-)

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Beautiful jadeware Linda! These pieces must hold special memories for you.

We were in your 'neighborhood' the past four days. Our grandson turned one and his party was held at his other grandparent's home in the Waterfront Golf community.
Did some shopping and thought about you while there.

Lallee said...

I'm so glad you were able to get some of your aunt's treasures at the auction! Fifteen years ago I kept passing up Fire King batter bowls at the flea market and bringing home other treasures. They were so plentiful (at $12.00) that I would always tell myself I'd get one NEXT time. Well, the prices skyrocketed and I never did get one. I would use mine, too, if I had one. They are such perfect bowls. I love you whole collection.