Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Take the time

I didn't mean to take a bloggin break, I just had so much hapen in a short amount of time. On Saturday, July 28th my cousin was killed in a motorcycle accident. She has been riding motorcycles since we were kids. No one knows exactly what happened except that she drove off the side of the road, hit a culvert and the bike started flipping end over end. She died from a broken neck. She and I were never very close as adults as we chose different paths in life, but it was still a shock to us all. She was 45 years old.

Then on Tuesday I got a call from a friend telling me that one of our good friends had died. He had been diagnosed with testicular cancer and on Friday had undergone surgery to remove the lump. The surgery went well and he went home. Then Sunday he started bleeding and they took him to the hospital. He was having some trouble breathing and in the course of about 12 hours, he was gone. He leaves behind a beautiful and wonderful wife and a lovely 15 year old daughter. We had not seen him and his wife for some time. We used to go to church together and our son and his daughter went to school together, and so we got together often, just to chat and enjoy each others company. Since we had left the church, we had not seen them very much but everytime we talked with each other on the phone we would always say "We have got to get together soon, I have missed you so much". But, we never did. Now, we never will. It's ironic that we can take the time to go to the funeral home and the funeral, but we never made time to go visit. I am having alot of regrets right now. I am feeling so guilty.

Saturday night my husbands aunt called from South Carolina to tell us that his uncle has inoperable prostate cancer. He will the taking radiation treatments, but his prognosis is unclear.

I am pledging to start taking the time to visit more with my friends and family, to spend some time with them, to take them flowers from my garden. I get so caught up in working a full time job, running a household, chauffering my son, and a million other things that I neglect slowing down and enjoying my friends and family, until it's too late. I don't want to be too late again.

Sorry for the long dull post, I just needed to type this out and get it off my chest.




Stephanie D said...

So sorry for all your losses. This is something I am guilty of as well, always assuming there will be time enough to connect with family and friends, when in truth, none of us is guaranteed tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder.

Lori said...

So sorry to hear about the loss and illnesses of your friends and family. You and all of their families are in my thoughts and prayers. I agree thanks for the reminder to take the time for our family and friends.

Susie said...

I'm so sorry for so many losses in your life. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

Susan said...

Oh I know your heart is heavy will all this sad news. Yes, we all need to take time to smell the roses, as they say. None of us know if we have tomorrow. We truly need to spend our time reaching out to others and making their lives fuller.

Carole Burant said...

Please accept my condolences for the losses you've had recently. I think we're all the same, never making time to go visit friends and such until it's too late. Our lives get so busy and we think we'll have plenty of time "later" to visit. Thank you for the reminder that we should do it NOW instead of later!! xoxo

Kelli said...

Linda, I am so sorry to hear of your losses. I will say a prayer for the families involved. Gentle (((hugs))).

Celestine said...

i was jus lamenting on how e turn my life's taking and how disappointed i am with the possibility of failure. your post reminded me that life is to be treasured and there is no time to be pessimistic and sorry for myself.

thank you

Amy said...

Sorry about your cousin and your uncle *hugs*

Jodi said...

Oh, Linda, I am so sorry. Your reminder is a very good one. Our loved ones will not be always with us, and the timing of the end cannot be predicted. Praying for you and your family during your time of grief.

smilnsigh said...

Many hugs to you, at this time.


Marci said...

Oh, so much loss... I had all these truths hit home to me in October of 2005 when my dear sweet healthy Mom died in her sleep. Oh for just one more hug or phone call....

MightyMom said...

First off, thank you for coming by my place and leaving a comment on my show and tell. I too lost a loved one this week and it does sit you down a bit and make you think. I'm sorry for your losses.

Janice said...

Linda, I'm so sorry to hear of your losses. I know it's hard not to feel guilty, but try not to dwell on it. Someone once reminded me at a time I was feeling low about this very thing, that 'life is for the living'. Simply put, move forward and do just what you are planning to do...give a little more time to those we love, and try not to look back. Hugs and Blessings to you!