Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Woeful tale of Edna the Elephant

Poor Edna! One of these days I am going to learn not to name things while they are being made because then they become personal and I feel responsible for what happens to them! Like Poor Edna.
I bought this really cute pattern about a month ago because I thought the little animals were so cute, the construction was easy and I could make some to sell and become rich and famous.
This may have happened if I had chosen the correct fabric. I bought a couple boxes of fabric this weekend at an estate sale and this blue and white stripe was begging to be Edna the Elephant, so I used it. BIG MISTAKE!!! This stuff raveled like you would not believe! I sewed poor Edna 3 or 4 times and she still kept unraveling. My first inclination was just throw the thing away and start over. But the problem was, I had already named her and had already put her eyes on. I could not throw away poor Edna. So, I quickly whipped up an apron for her to cover the spot on her belly that kept coming apart, added some suspenders to hide the raveling at the shoulders and stuck a flower of the ear that kept coming apart.
So now Poor Edna will live in my sewing room, while I try again with a more co-operative fabric. And next time I won't name the elephant or put eyes on until it is finished!!

Have a great day!


The Old Parsonage said...

Well I think that you just added some style to the womanphant!

Thanks so much for stopping by, it's been some time since I paid you a visit too!

Talk Soon!

Mountain Mama said...

Edna is just precious. I love your story too. I think you did a wonderful job of hiding her little imperfections. If only it were so simple to hide mine!

Arlene G said...

Love your new header Linda! I am going to put out some of my Easter decorations this weekend. I am ready for spring.

Libby said...

I'm glad you named Edna so she could be finished - she's just darling *s*

Anonymous said...

Oh Linda, how funny! My oldest friend name her car Edna! Ha-ha-ha-ha! ♥

Christie said...

Oh isn't Edna cute! You did a great job...I love that you named her, and then just had to keep her....even though the material gave you trouble. I'd have to do the same thing! Thanks for sharing.
Big hugs,