Monday, October 24, 2011

Good Monday Morning!

I say that "tongue in cheek" as I most definitely got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.  UGH...  I hate when I get up grumpy.  Fortunately, coffee was made when I got to work and after about 3 cups I am finally starting to act human.  Kinda..

I have no reason to be grumpy, yesterday was a glorious day in Virginia.  The sun was sifting throught the beautiful fall leaves and it was the perfect day for a day trip.

Our family hit the road about 10:00 on our way to Paint Bank, VA.  A beautiful little town about two hours from where I live and very close to White Sulpher Springs, WV.  On the way, we stopped at the VA State fish hatchery.   They had ponds full of every kind of trout you can think of.

 This is an inside view of the restaurant.  The restaurant is on the ground floor and upstairs is the swinging bridge and gift shop.  The restaurant is called The Swinging Bridge and is in an old converted general store.  The specialty of the house is buffalo and that is exactly what we had.  Buffalo Burgers!  They were delicious!
This is the view of the top of the restaurant from where I was sitting.
 Yours truly standing on the swinging bridge.
 There are lots of scenes like this in the restaurant.  It is truly very pretty.
 On the property stands an old corn mill.  You could go inside and see how the grain was ground.
 The landscaping outside the restaurant is just lovely.  There were several ponds, streams and waterfalls.
 Yngwie was home and went with us!
 This is a view of the restaurant from the parking lot.  Look at those mountains in the background!
 We drove on into Sweet Springs WV where this place used to be a resort.  The area is known for it's "healing" springs and many presidents and famous people came to Sweet Springs to relax and heal in the waters.
 This is the old bathhouses around the pool.  All of this has fell into disrepair and is abandoned now.  Apparently there is no money for it's upkeep, which is such a shame considering it's history.
All in all it was a fun and relaxing day and I should sit back awhile and reflect on the blessing of living in such a beautiful place and getting to spend the day with my loved ones.  I have no reason to be grumpy.




Christie said...

Hey Linda!
So great to hear from you girl, thanks for stopping over... What a beautiful place that is there near you in are so blessed to have gotten to spend the day looks like my kinda relaxation...I love being out in nature...thanks for sharing your day...I enjoyed the tour :)
Hope you have a beautiful day...
Big hugs,
P.S. Your fall decor looks so all the Halloween cuteness inside your have got an amazing collection of vintage goodies in there :)

Freckled Hen said...

It looks like it was a beautiful day for a field trip. Sometimes all we need is some new scenery to shake the grumps out- hope it worked for you!